Key points of Acts 28:

  • Paul’s Ministry on Malta: After being shipwrecked on Malta, Paul and his companions are shown hospitality by the locals. Paul is bitten by a viper but suffers no harm, leading the islanders to think he is divine.
  • Paul’s Journey to Rome: Paul travels from Malta to Rome, making stops along the way. Upon arrival, he is allowed to live by himself, though under guard.
  • Paul and the Jewish Leaders in Rome: Paul meets with Jewish leaders in Rome to explain his situation and share the gospel. He preaches about Jesus and the Kingdom of God from morning till evening, leading to mixed reactions among the Jews.
  • Paul’s House Arrest: Paul spends two years under house arrest in Rome, during which he continues to preach and teach about the Lord Jesus Christ.

This was the final chapter of Acts.

5 Things that outline Paul’s Ministry in Acts:

○ His Conversion

  • Acts 9

○ His Calling

  •   Acts 9:6

○ His Confirmation

  • Acts 9:10-16

○ His Commission

  • Acts 22:21

○ His Communication

  • Many letters – Gal 1:15-16, Eph 3:1-2,8.

Acts 9:10-16

○ His Commission

§ Acts 22:21

○ His Communication

§ Many letters – Gal 1:15-16, Eph 3:1-2,8.

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