In a recent MIT experiment, three student teams were asked to write software code in Fortran, a programming language none of them knew. The results were pretty interesting:

The team using ChatGPT finished the fastest
The team using a specific AI coding assistant (Code Llama) came in second
The team using just Google search finished last, breaking down the task into comp`onents and solving it the old-fashioned way.

However, when tested on their ability to recall the solutions from memory, the situation was reversed. The ChatGPT team remembered nothing and failed, while half of the Code Llama team passed, and every student in the Google Search team succeeded.

The conclusion from this experiment is simple: there is no substitute for hard work Don’t just rely on AI tools; learn to code, crash, debug, and repeat.

I believe there are several vulnerabilities in our election process and there are several obvious solutions. Unfortunately, neither party is interested in fixing the obvious issues, making it patently obvious (to me) that the system is designed to be gamed and both sides are gaming it.
I don’t believe this is a partisan issue.

Here are some ideas for fixing the obvious vulnerabilities in our voting system:

  1. Voting day should be a national holiday – no one should have to work on election day. This allows everyone to go in person to vote.
  2. Voting should be done in person on paper with proof of Id/US citizenship. If you need to vote remotely it should be done in advance so that there will be time to tally remote ballots in time for the actual election day. There is no late or last minute remote voting permitted. If you can’t vote by the deadline then you missed your chance to vote.
  3. Anyone needing to vote remotely must have a valid reason for doing so such as being stationed overseas in the military or being physically disabled and unable to attend a vote in person. Those who claim to be physically disabled will have to provide certified evidence/documentation of their disablement.
  4. All voting places will have at least 2 observers, representing the interests of each party. The observers would have full access to the entire voting process from end to end, from the ballots used to the actual tallying process.
  5. Voting ballots from each voting location will be preserved until the election has been certified as valid by both associated observers.
  6. Registering to vote requires showing an ID that proved citizenship. Non-citizens are not permitted to vote.
  7. The format and wording of the ballots will be identical across all states. If ballots need to be translated into other languages these translations will be observed and approved by the observers. The wording and structure of the ballots will be approved by both parties at least a month in advance of election day. Printing and delivery of ballots needs to be completed at least 2 weeks prior to election day. Voting locations will have the ability to print out additional ballots if needed in front of the observers if they run out of ballots. The ballots will be in a protected format, preventing them from being modified prior to printing. The number of times additional ballots are printed will be tracked and a justification for printing additional ballots must be provided and approved by the observers.
  8. Each voting location is required to make their final tallys available by the end of the day, preferably by the end of the business day. Any additional auditing will be done and observed by both parties. Any questionable ballots will be reviewed and approved by both observers. Any ballots that cannot be agreed upon will be discarded – if it’s not abundantly clear who the voter was voting for the ballot should not be counted.

These are some very simple steps to take and would remove much of the fraud that, in my opinion, continues to happen in each election. Of course none of these things will happen and we will continue to limp along with the existing system we have in place.