This is not intended to be a political post – this post explains how the news media is attempting to manipulate you again.  I despise seeing people misled and outraged by the news media, regardless of their political beliefs.

The current controversy about presidential candidate Donald Trump posting a video referencing a “Unified Reich” is extremely misleading (see here for a similar article if the previous link is behind a paywall).

The Trump video was created using an Adobe After Effects template that uses old newspapers. One of the old newspapers in the template’s footage is from an actual World War I paper with the term “Unified Reich”.

This After Effects template has been used by many other people, most of whom likely never noticed or cared that these terms appeared in a background headline (the screenshot below was taken before the singer Candi Staton removed her video).

To repeat: I despise seeing people misled and outraged by the news media, regardless of their political beliefs.

This manufactured controversy reminds me of one of my favorite Morrissey songs.



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