UPDATE: The issue with the dropping connection appears to have been fixed.

Make sure you:

  • update to the latest version of Phone Link on your PC (run Windows Update)
  • update to the latest version of Link to Windows (app & service) on Android (update from Play Store)
  • grant necessary permissions to Link to Windows (app & service) on Android
  • ensure Link to Windows (app & service) on Android are not battery optimized

You might need to remove and add back your PC to Link to Windows (app & service) on Android.


I love accessing my Android phone apps from my PC but the screen mirroring option kept dropping, making it unusable. After trying many things I finally uninstalled the latest update fom Android and it is now working again. No more disconnections. The version I’m using on Android is shown above.


Link to Windows seems to have been automatically updated on my Android and the connection started dropping again.

Follow these steps  to re-install the (as of now) working version of Link to Windows (as referenced in the post above):

  • First, a bit of clarification:
    • “Phone Link” is the Windows app that runs on your PC.
    • “Link to Windows” is the Android app that runs on your phone.
  • Uninstall Link to Windows updates on your Android phone by going into Link to Windows and selecting the Uninstall Updates option from the menu in the upper right corner.
  • Unlink your Android device (see here for directions).
    • You might also need to stop and wipe the storage on the Link to Windows app and service on your phone. To do this go into each one’s properties, stop the app or service, click Storage, and wipe the cache and storage for the Link to Windows app the Link to Windows service.
  • I was unable to find the Android version mentioned in the post above from Microsoft so I re-installed it on my phone from this link.
    • Note: the source for this link is obviously not Microsoft so please take appropriate precautions by running virus scans before installing (I do this for things I install from Microsoft also – trust but verify).
    • After installing from the link above, go to Link to Windows app properties on your Android device and ensure all necessary permissions are added back. Link to Windows will not work until you do this (you’ll have to log back into the Link to Windows Android app again).
    • If your PC is still showing up in the Link to Windows Android app you might need to stop and wipe the storage on the Link to Windows app and service on your phone.
      • To do this go into each one’s properties, stop the app or service, click Storage, and wipe the cache and storage for the Link to Windows app the Link to Windows service.
  • Re-link your phone back to your PC using the Link to Windows app (you’ll need to scan a code that Phone Link will generate on your PC).
  • At this point the connection should remain stable when you view your Android screen from your PC.

If you need to remove and re-install the Phone Link app on your PC follow these directions:

  1. Open PowerShell as Administrator
  2. Run this command: Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.YourPhone -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage
  3. Phone Link will be removed from your PC.
  4. Re-install Phone Link from the Microsoft Web Store – this link will pull up Phone Link in the web Store experience.
    • NOTE: Clicking install from the web Store experience will invoke the Store client in Windows, enabling you to re-install Phone Link on your PC.  I’ve tried searching for Phone Link directly in the the Windows Store client but I’ve never been successful in finding it. So annoying.
  5. At this point the Phone Link app should be fully re-installed on your PC. Now follow the instructions above to re-install the working version of Link to Windows on your Android phone and get things reconnected.

Oy, what a pain in the tuchas.




  • Romans overview (video): Part 1, Part 2
  • What is Romans?
    • Romans contains letters from Paul to the churches of Rome.
    • The church of Rome had existed for a long time and was made up of Jews and Gentiles.  Emperor Claudius had banished the Jews from the church for 5 years.  When the Jews returned there was a split between Gentiles and Jews in how they should follow Jesus and practice their faiths. Paul’s letters were an attempt to explain his faith and unite the Jews and the Gentiles into one faith worshiping Jesus. Paul hoped the Roman churches could become a staging ground to enable Paul to expand the church into Spain and beyond.
    • Romans is structured as follows:
      • Books 1-4: Revealing God’s Righteousness
      • Books 5-8: Creating a New Humanity
      • Books 9-11: Fulfilling God’s Promise to Israel
      • Books 12-16: Unifying the Church

Romans 3

What are the advantages of being a Jew?

  • God gave supernatural instructions to the Jews – they received these instructions before anyone else so that all the nations could be blessed.
    • See Acts 7:38, 1 Peter 4:11 – the Word is passed from them to the world.
  • The ancestors of the Jews includes the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Israel’s unbelief or unfaithfulness doesn’t cancel God’s promises in the Old Testament.

  • God keeps His promises.

God did not agree to fulfill His promises to all Jews – God said He will fulfill all His promises even if individual Jews cannot receive these promises due to lack of faith (Psalm 51:4).

  • God is bigger than any man’s sin or unfaithfulness.
  • We can always repent to receive His promises.

We can’t continue to live in sin, even if we delude ourselves into thinking it brings attention to God.

  • The Jews were convinced that their animal sacrifices would make up for their ongoing sins.
    • This is a similar argument that many atheists make: “I can sin my way through life and just accept Jesus as my savior on my deathbed”.

The Jews were asking: “if my lie amplifies God’s truth why should I be punished?”

There is only one God who makes everyone right by faith – both Jew and Gentile.





DevOps unites development and operations. DevOps is the practice of breaking up monolithic architecture and teams to create smaller, autonomous teams that can build, deliver, and run applications.

Platform Engineering (PE) focuses on abstracting out infrastructure or other things that distract DevOps teams from delivering their domain. PE is a fairly new buzzword/concept and is really just a subset of DevOps.

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) focuses on helping DevOps and internal platform teams increase reliability, scalability and security.

DevOps vs SRE vs PE

  • DevOps focuses on the development side.
  • SRE focuses on the operations side.
  • PE focuses on internal development enablement and is really a part of DevOps.

SRE and Platform Engineering benefit from the three ways of DevOps:

  1. Concentration on increasing flow
  2. Tight feedback loops
  3. Continuous experimentation, learning and improvement

Role comparisons:

  • Infrastructure Engineer – Generic term for engineers who works on core infrastructure.
  • Cloud Engineer – Engineers who works on public cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP, etc).
  • SRE – Software engineers who focuses on application reliability, budgeting uptime, and toil automation. Three letter terms are their friends (SLO, SLA, SLI).
  • DevOps Engineer – Infrastructure engineers who focuses on reducing silo between development teams and infrastructure teams. NOTE: If your team has dedicated DevOps Engineers, your org isn’t really practicing DevOps.
  • Platform Engineer – Engineer who focuses on designing and building tools and workflows that enable self-service. An enabler of software engineering teams.


  • Romans overview (video): Part 1, Part 2
  • What is Romans?
    • Romans contains letters from Paul to the churches of Rome.
    • The church of Rome had existed for a long time and was made up of Jews and Gentiles.  Emperor Claudius had banished the Jews from the church for 5 years.  When the Jews returned there was a split between Gentiles and Jews in how they should follow Jesus and practice their faiths. Paul’s letters were an attempt to explain his faith and unite the Jews and the Gentiles into one faith worshiping Jesus. Paul hoped the Roman churches could become a staging ground to enable Paul to expand the church into Spain and beyond.
    • Romans is structured as follows:
      • Books 1-4: Revealing God’s Righteousness
      • Books 5-8: Creating a New Humanity
      • Books 9-11: Fulfilling God’s Promise to Israel
      • Books 12-16: Unifying the Church


  • Chapter 2 Summary:
    • Do not judge others since you do the same things. God’s kindness intends to turn you from your sins.
    • Everyone will be judged according to what they have done – those that live for themselves will be punished (Jews first, then Gentiles).
    • Those Gentiles who sin but do not have God’s written law will still be punished. (2:12)
      • Gentiles instinctive obey God’s law even though they have never heard it (2:14)
    • Merely listening to the law is not enough – you must obey it as well. (2:13)
    •  Jesus will judge everyone’s secret life (2:16)
    • Jews boast about a special relationship with God (2:17) yet continue to sin (2:21-2:27)
    • Jews who don’t obey God’s law are not God’s chosen people. Gentiles who obey God’s law can be God’s chosen people. (2:25-2:26, 2:28-2:30).  Note: This contradicts the belief of most Jews – this might be why Jews don’t read or study the New Testament.



  • What is it?
    • Romans contains letters from Paul to the churches of Rome.
    • The church of Rome had existed for a long time and was made up of Jews and Gentiles.  Emporor Claudius had banished the Jews from the church for 5 years.  When the Jews returned there was a split between Gentiles and Jews in how they should follow Jesus and practice their faiths. Paul’s letters were an attempt to explain his faith and unite the Jews and the Gentiles into one faith worshippng Jesus. Paul hoped the Roman churches could become a staging ground to enable Paul to expand the church into Spain and beyond.
    • Romans is structured as follows:
      • Books 1-4: Revealing God’s Righteousness
      • Books 5-8: Creating a New Humanity
      • Books 9-11: Fulfilling God’s Promise to Israel
      • Books 12-16: Unifying the Church
  • Chapter 1 Summary:
    • Paul explains the Good News about Jesus and how he prays to visit others and share his faith.
    • Paul explains in a letter his obligation to educate and be educated and that he is not ashamed of the Good News of Christ.
    • Paul explains how people can see evidence of God through everything God has made. Because of this people have no excuse to not worship God.
    • Unfortunately people traded the truth about God for following their own personal desires (1:25).
    • People abandoned God so God abandoned them, enabling them to indulge in whatever they like. The people quickly fell into sin (including homosexuality). Their lives were filled with sin because of this.
    • The people know that God’s justice requires those that do follow His laws are condemned. Despite this knowledge the people continued sinning and and encouraged others to sin also. They loved their sins more than they loved God. 
  • Shared Judeo-Christian Tradition: Paul, like other early Christians, drew upon the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and the developing oral traditions of early Christianity. Concepts like God’s wrath, human sinfulness, and the importance of righteousness were already present in this shared tradition.
  • Focus and Emphasis: While core concepts might be present in earlier writings, Paul’s unique contribution might lie in his emphasis, application, and development of those ideas. In Romans 1, Paul seems to be:
    • Systematically laying out his understanding of sin and salvation: Romans is considered Paul’s most systematic theological work.
      • In Romans 1, Pauk establishes the universality of sin and the need for God’s intervention.
    • Addressing a Gentile audience: Romans is likely directed at a church in Rome with both Jewish and Gentile members. Paul might be explaining concepts familiar to Jews in a way that resonates with Gentiles.
  • Scholarly Opinions on Romans 1’s Novelty:
    • Some scholars argue that Paul presents a more developed concept of God’s wrath in Romans 1 compared to earlier writings. Here, Paul emphasizes God’s righteous judgment against those who suppress the truth.
    • Others argue that the core ideas in Romans 1 are found elsewhere, but Paul’s way of weaving them together and building his theological case is what makes it unique.

Key points of Acts 28:

  • Paul’s Ministry on Malta: After being shipwrecked on Malta, Paul and his companions are shown hospitality by the locals. Paul is bitten by a viper but suffers no harm, leading the islanders to think he is divine.
  • Paul’s Journey to Rome: Paul travels from Malta to Rome, making stops along the way. Upon arrival, he is allowed to live by himself, though under guard.
  • Paul and the Jewish Leaders in Rome: Paul meets with Jewish leaders in Rome to explain his situation and share the gospel. He preaches about Jesus and the Kingdom of God from morning till evening, leading to mixed reactions among the Jews.
  • Paul’s House Arrest: Paul spends two years under house arrest in Rome, during which he continues to preach and teach about the Lord Jesus Christ.

This was the final chapter of Acts.

5 Things that outline Paul’s Ministry in Acts:

○ His Conversion

  • Acts 9

○ His Calling

  •   Acts 9:6

○ His Confirmation

  • Acts 9:10-16

○ His Commission

  • Acts 22:21

○ His Communication

  • Many letters – Gal 1:15-16, Eph 3:1-2,8.

Acts 9:10-16

○ His Commission

§ Acts 22:21

○ His Communication

§ Many letters – Gal 1:15-16, Eph 3:1-2,8.

Julius – centurian whp accompnied Paul to Italy via ship. Luke was also with them (author).
Paul hears from God and realizes that the voyage would end in disaster.
Paul warns the crew that they would lose the cargo and the ship. The crew refuses to listen to him and want to go on.
A terrible typhoon began and the ship was caught up in it, pulling the ship off course.
They lost control of the ship and were at the mercy of the sea.
The crew struggled to secure their skiffs to potentially serve as a means of escape.
The waves were so bad they lashed cables around the ship to keep it from being torn apart by the waves.
When things are out of control like this the tendancy is to go into survival mode.
The crew began throwing cargo and tackle overboard to lighten the ship. They continued like this for many days.
The storm was so bad they couldn’t see te sun for several days.
Instead of being angry Paul reassured them an angel told him that the crew would survive but the ship wouldn’t.
The storm lasted for 14 nights. On the 14th night they realized they were near land and shallow ground.
The crew cuts the rope for the skiff and lets it fall, making the ship lighter. This initially seemed like a bod idea but was an illustration of following God’s will.
The crew had trained themselves not to eat because their food was limiited. Paul encouraged them to eat so they could survive.
Paul reminded the crew that they were going to survive, not because of their efforts but because God has willed it. The crew then throws the last of their food into the sea to lighten the ship even further.
The crew decide to run the shop aground – the stern (back end) was being destroyed by waves. The soldiers debate on killing all the prisoners to prevent them from escaping but the centurian wanted to save Paul ab told everyone to jump overboard and swim for shore. THe men that were unable to swim still somehow survived and managed to live. The entire crew (276 men) managed to make it to shore as Paul had predicted.

When things don’t go your way and all seems lost you must be like Paul – don’t lose faith and encourage everyone to do the same.
Like the sailors, sometimes we’re still “holding onto the skiff” when God asks us to do something. We need to trust God and cut the rope.
You may one day be on a shop in a storm. When or if this happens, stay the course and trust God. If God can get 276 men through such a storm He can also get you through your challenges.

Here are some key points of Acts 25:

1. Change in Governance: The chapter opens with a change in Roman leadership: Porcius Festus replaces Felix as governor of Judea.

2. Renewed Accusations: The Jewish leaders, unsatisfied with Paul’s imprisonment under Felix, attempt to restart the legal process. They request Festus transfer Paul to Jerusalem, likely with the intent to ambush him on the way (Acts 25:3).

3. Festus’s Dilemma: Festus refuses to send Paul to Jerusalem, fearing an ambush, but also wants to appease the Jewish leaders. He proposes a new trial in Caesarea, where Paul is already being held (Acts 25:4-6).

4. Paul’s Appeal: During the trial, faced with false accusations, Paul asserts his innocence and exercises his Roman right to appeal directly to Caesar (the emperor) for a fair trial instead of the local authorities (Acts 25:8-12).

5. Encounter with Agrippa: King Agrippa visits Caesarea and hears Paul’s defense. Paul recounts his conversion experience and emphasizes his adherence to Jewish law and traditions (Acts 25:13-27).

6. Outcome: The chapter ends without a resolution, leaving Paul’s ultimate fate undecided. However, it highlights his determination to defend his faith and his journey towards a trial in Rome, fulfilling the prophecy of him bearing witness before rulers (Acts 25:28-29).