- In 1 Peter 3, Peter tells wives to be subject to their own husbands, even if they don’t believe in God. Peter says wives who hae accepted Christ as their savior can influence their husbands to do the same.
- Peter tells Christian wives to cultivate their beauty from the inside out by developing a gentle and quiet spirit.
- Peter then tells Christian husbands that they must give honor and respect to their wives.
- Peter reminds husbands of their wives’ equal standing with God – wives are co-heirs of God’s grace.
- Peter warns husbands that their prayers will be negatively impacted if they do not honor their wives.
- Peter then tell all believers to be unified in our faith. We must refuse our instincts of seeking revenge when insulted or treated poorly. We should give blessings to those who hurt or insult us.
- God’s people have always been called to live set-apart lives, influencing their culture even through suffering. It may be God’s will for us to suffer because we are doing good.
- Those see us behave in this manner will be confused by how we can be hopeful in the face of bad circumstances. We must be ready to explain to them why – specifically about how we came to be redeemed by God through faith in Christ.
- If we continue to do good to those who insult or mistreat us they will be ashamed of their behavior. We need to follow Christ’s behavior here – he prayed for God to have mercy on those who tortured and crucified him.
Notes on the video:
- When Peter tells wives to be subject to their own husbands he doesn’t mean husbands can dominate their wives. Wives should respect their husbands and husbands must give honor and respect to their wives.
- 1 Peter 3:7 : Husbands, in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with a weaker partner, showing them honor as coheirs of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.
- God will not listen to us if we don’t love, honor, and respect our wives.
- Husbands and wives can submit to one another when we have a living hope.
- People see Christ in you and the way you behave. You have the opportunity to lead others to Christ if you try to behave like Christ.
- He didn’t have time to cover the rest of the chapter (verses 8-22).
Group chat:
- We all struggle with taking offense to things when people think differently than we do.
- A comedian was joking about not saying “Merry Christmas” to avoid offending people – saying instead “Thank you Lord for the birth of my savior”.
- Christians shouldn’t get caught up in debates over wishing someone Merry Christmas. We need to follow a different example and not get sucked into the world being offended over Christmas.
- Christ is the reason for the season. But was Jesus really born on 12/25? Is it even important when He was born?
- It’s not worth being offended by someone else being offended.
- One member of the group talked about his office encouraging everyone to celebrate Diwali (Indian holiday) in October but being discouraged from openly celebrating Christmas in December.